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The heart is a divine trust

We are living in a world in which it's almost impossible to escape the trappings of a material identity of one's self. The essence and purpose of one's true identity as a soul is lost somewhere in the promotion of one's material image and the expectation that unavoidably follows for how many likes it will receive if not rooted in one's spiritual identity. Youth are particularly vulnerable to this; they are naturally drawn to connecting with peers and wanting to belong, so they become absorbed in whatever current trends surround them.  Social media is like a drug that creates addictive behavior almost instantly. Snapchat, Instagram and Tiktok have set the stage for many to feel or believe this is the only true reality of one's life, all based on one's image and outer displays of personality -- and the number of responses to whatever is posted becomes the measuring stick as to one's value. Meanwhile, the heart that is led astray along this unfulfilling pat

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