Naw Ruz card exchange

thanks to All Done Monkey who initiated a Baha'i New Year card exchange, our 3 children were happy to make cards for kids their age who live in different parts of the world (Tonga, Australia and the US). 

everyone in the exchange makes a card, adds some kind of flower to it, even a photo of themselves if they like, and sends it to the address organized by All Done Monkey.  we don't have a printer for personal photos so we decided to add a special cared that has the Baha'i ringstone symbol on it as an added gift.

since we live in Ghana, we had to make sure that we made the cards well ahead of time so that by the time they are taken to a post office and mailed, they will arrive before March 21st, the Baha'i new year.
made by our 9 year old, with flowers from the garden
made by our 14 year old
Ayana pressed the bouganvillea and then covered them with contact paper

a medley of styles and ideas flourished amongst their various ages & our simple materials

what a great way to begin preparing for Naw Ruz with other Baha'i children around the world!  the creative process and gift-giving idea sparked our children's interest to wonder what they will receive, and from where and who it will come, in the weeks ahead.


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