a day with DUNK

our son, Dyami, was invited by DUNK (Developing Unity, Nurturing Knowledge) to play in one of their tournaments for the 12 and under team.  this was such an exciting invitation for Dyami because he loves basketball and wishes that he was able to be a part of what DUNK is doing.  since we are leaving Ghana soon, it was the perfect opportunity for him to experience being part of a team and playing a competitive game.

in between games the team sometimes warmed up by passing the ball to each other.  the boys on the team were very kind and brotherly to Dyami.  the coach played him a lot even though he wasn't as good as some of the other players because he knew this was Dyami's only chance to play with the team.  the team won both their games with ease, and Dyami went home feeling like he made new friends and is ready to be on a team in Nairobi when school begins this autumn.

these girls were singing and dancing on the sidelines to cheer on their team
what i loved about hanging out at the DUNK tournament was the infectious spirit of joy that pervaded the event.  a dj played all kinds of good Ghanaian songs that made the kids sing and dance.  the speakers were so big and so loud that it felt like a basketball party instead of just a competition.

team spirit is always such a beautiful thing

sweeping the court, Ghanaian style


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