Devotions in our home..'the golden rule'

a few nights ago it was our weekly Devotions and fireside night.  without fail, some kids arrive on time while others continue to arrive up to an hour late..but they keep coming!

this week we skipped the discussion because Devotions went on for a long time and i could tell the kids were restless.  since no adults have been coming, our fireside time ranges from a serious presentation to a short deepening on one of the Selections from the Baha'i Writings.

within a few minutes of letting the kids hang out, the little girl in the front of this photo, Magdelene, who i've written about in a previous post, came to sit with me at my desk.  i decided to plug in the external drive and look at old videos we have.  the sound from the computer attracted all of the kids to come and watch.  they laughed and pointed to our kids when they were younger, enjoying how small and cute they were.  soon we found videos from South Africa which sparked all kinds of interest and joy -- even singing along to a few of the songs that they've now learned here in Ghana.
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Solomon wearing the hat from Cameroon
i gave Jude the camera to take photos.  he captured some of the details of our living room which reflected his heart.  when i saw this photo of Magdelene and those around her staring at the computer screen, it reminded me of the Norman Rockwell print that hangs in our living room.  we, too, are looking at something like the people in his print. 

the spirit released through Devotions and the hearts of these young souls in our home feels like a magnet for divine confirmations as we all desire to abide by the Golden Rule.  our home becomes transformed into a refuge with abundant joy, a sanctuary from the troubles and difficulties that surround the harsh realities of life..

i never want these moments to end.  i could have sat at the computer until we watched every video taken in South Africa (which our family still deeply misses).  i could have smiled for hours watching them be themselves in all their pure-hearted, silly and sincere ways.  these are precious days of our lives that we appreciate and treasure..we are happy to be living in Ghana, surrounded by the radiant spirit in the hearts of our neighbors..

Emil with Dyami's Ben10 book
Boadi, Emil's brother being silly with the ball they use to play soccer inside
Jude, an illumined soul who has brought 3 other jr. youth to the group


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